The perfect partners

The Perfect


Clarissa Stefania and Teryn Darling are the founders of the BLUSH TO BOLD pigment series. It is specifically designed to create and enhance a contrast of light and dark. The pigment line uses an exclusive colour concept and is designed to be used with an innovative layering technique.

Clarissa Stefania is an international Permanent Makeup Artist and Trainer. She created and honed The Ombre Blush Brow® technique and consequently, has built a well recognised brand and academy.

The internationally recognised technique is known for its polished look which significantly improves YOUR BROW GAME! Clarissa’s formation is built on a light to dark layering concept to get a dramatised contrast and fade. The brow is lighter in the front and then gets deeper in colour as you move through the brow to the end.



Throughout her career, Clarissa has always mixed colours to create contrasts to assist her ombre formation. She wanted to create a pigment series that would change the Ombre Brow game to another level. With colour mixing and artistry, she made a set of pigments that can be layered on top of each other. Each shade has a light and dark form, with the exact tone, so creates a seamless blend and dramatised contrast.



Teryn is world-renowned and has impacted the permanent makeup industry in a big way. Her mastery of colour application has made her one of the best permanent makeup artists in the industry. Teryn has extensive knowledge on colour theory, skin undertones, corrections, base formulations, the science of pigments and so so much more.

Clarissa and Teryn are respected artists in the industry, and together they have extensive knowledge in colour theory and ombre. Therefore it was the perfect partnership for the creation of …. BLUSH TO BOLD pigment series.



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