What is The Ombre Blush Brow®

ready to

switch up your brow game?

The Ombre Blush Brow ® technique is an over dramatised fade. The brow is significantly lighter in the front and gets deeper in colour throughout the brow to the end. Using the world’s first pigment series… BLUSH TO BOLD®, specifically designed to create and enhance a sublime contrast of light and dark, using an innovative layering technique to achieve a brow that looks soft at the beginning and slowly begins to get more defined towards the end of your brow. The Ombre Blush Brow ® result is soft and fluffy with a pop of definition, which looks great with or without makeup.


Ombre Brush brow


The Ombre Blush Brow® technique is a type of cosmetic tattooing also known as micropigmentation, semi-permanent or permanent makeup. The results can last as long as 1-3 years, with minimal maintenance required.

To complete The Ombre Blush Brow® technique two procedures are required. Following your first appointment a top up will be needed within 6-12 weeks to make any necessary tweaks and add those finishing touches.

As with any cosmetic tattoo we cannot guarantee the length of time the skin will retain the pigmentation as this will be different for everybody due to skin, lifestyle and medical history. We recommend that you maintain your brows with a colour boost procedure when desired.


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